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At Ruth's Childcare, children are our most precious resource. We owe them the safest, most loving and educational environment available. You can also make them very happy by spending as much one on one personal time with them as possible. the pre- school years are of the most important time in a child's life. How children feel about themselves and how they perceive the world around them will have a profound impact upon the way they meet challenges and experience life as an adult. I want to help build a good solid framework within each child. So they may reach their fullest potential as a child and an adult. I want to co-operate with others and most of all to make new friends. Children learn through play, therefore I provide a variety of experiences to expand their cognitive thinking. I provide needed time to explore, and the opportunity to express themselves creatively. And above all, i provide love, respect, a safe environment and FUN!!!!!!!!

Why us?

 Indoor and Outdoor Play

Imagination Station

Pre School Activities

Arts and Crafts

Story Telling

Educational Entertainment

ABC Mouse

Listening to CD's



Watching Television Shows


Sesame Street


Tablet time


ABC mouse

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